Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mark (in progress)

I had just finished painting the bottom three rows of skin tones when I realized that somehow I had lost a row. My image I was working from had 17 rows but my painting only has 16. This would not have been a big issue if I hadn't been using the top and bottom as reference points to locate the correct squares. Fortunately there wasn't an issue with composition so I was able to just crop a row off the bottom of my image, but it did make me panic for a while. I had to repaint a few squares to make the adjustment, but now I have the same dimensions as my reference image. Other than that relatively foolish mishap, I am excited about the progress of this painting. I only have three more rows of the bottom layer, then on to round 2- when the shapes really begin to come out.

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome! I didn't realize what you were doing at first and thought - that doesn't look anything like mark! ha ha! love to see your artwork and what you've got going on!
